
What percent of a is: 0.04a; 0.2a; 0.56a; 1.8a; 2.5a; 3a; By how many percent are they each bigger or smaller than a? Help Please

Accepted Solution


.04b is 2% of 2b because .04 multiplied by 100 is 4 then you divide by 2 which gets you 2.
cross multiply and divide
it is 98% smaller than 2b.

.2b is 10% of 2b because .2 multiplied by 100 is 20 then you divide by 2 and get 10.
it is 90% smaller than 2b.

.56b is 28% of 2b because .56 multiplied by 100 is 56 then divide by 2 and you get 28.
it is 72% smaller than 2b.

1.8b is 90% of 2b because 1.8 multiplied by 100 is 180 then divide it by 2. you get 90.
it is 10% smaller than 2b.

2.5b is 125% of 2b because 2.5 multiplied by 100 Is 250 and 250 divided by 2 is 125.
it is 25% larger than 2b

3b is 150% of 2b because 3 multiplied by 100 is 300 and 300 divided by 2 is 150.
it is 50% larger than 2b